

Vítor Oliveira is the PRESIDENT OF THE INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR ON URBAN FORM (ISUF), Principal Researcher (with Habilitation) at the Research Centre for Territory, Transports and Environment (CITTA / FEUP) and Professor of Urban Morphology and Spatial Planning at UL. He is ASSOCIATE EDITOR OF 'URBAN MORPHOLOGY', Advisory Editor of 'The Urban Book Series' (Springer), Fouding Editor of the 'Revista de Morfologia Urbana' (2013-18), and past president of the PORTUGUESE-LANGUAGE NETWORK OF URBAN MORPHOLOGY (PNUM).

His latest books are 'ISUF. URBAN MORPHOLOGY AND HUMAN SETTLEMENTS' (2024), 'URBAN MORPHOLOGY. AN INTRODUCTION TO THE STUDY OF THE PHYSICAL FORM OF CITIES' (2022, 2016; translated to Chinese, Persian, Portuguese and Turkish), 'MORPHOLOGICAL RESEARCH IN PLANNING, URBAN DESIGN AND ARCHITECTURE' (2021), 'JWR WHITEHAND AND THE HISTORICO-GEOGRAPHICAL APPROACH TO URBAN MORPHOLOGY' (2019) and 'TEACHING URBAN MORPHOLOGY' (2018). He has translated, with Cláudia Monteiro, MRG Conzen's classic book ALNWICK, NORTHUMBERLAND: A STUDY IN TOWN-PLAN ANALYSIS. His books and papers received about 3.000 citations (Google Scholar).

For more information see the full curriculum vitae. 

Contact: vitorm@fe.up.pt

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